Your Top Guide to Conversion Rate Optimization in Digital Marketing

If you want to maximize your website’s potential to generate sales leads, then implementing website conversion rate strategies and best practices is crucial.

Your website can be a powerful tool for engaging potential customers or clients. It provides them with an opportunity to learn more about your products/services, which can convert into sales. However, each of your web pages needs to be optimized for conversions in order to be effective. 

So, what is conversion rate optimization (CRO)? 

What are conversion optimization best practices?

What does the CRO process look like for a website?

If you’re new to CRO or have only recently heard about it, then consider this your CRO guide. 

In this article, we’re going to be sharing the importance of conversion rate optimization in digital marketing. We’ll talk about the basics of CRO and tell you which conversion rate optimization performance-based metrics are most important.

Let’s dive right into conversion rate optimization fundamentals for a website. 

Conversion Rate Optimization Fundamentals

There’s a lot we could say about conversion rate optimization in digital marketing and the CRO process. However, we want to keep things simple and actionable so you can improve your website today.

So, here’s some basic (but very important and valuable!) information about website conversion rate optimization.  

What Is Conversion Rate?

Conversion rate is the percentage of website visitors who take a particular action on a webpage. Any user who takes this action is considered a conversion.

You can calculate your website’s conversion rate by:

  1. Taking the total number of website visitors over a given time period (month, year, etc.)

  2. Dividing that number by the total number of users that perform the desired action (click a button, fill out a form, request a free demo, etc.)

  3. Multiplying by 100

A high conversion rate often means that your website is designed, structured, and formatted well. It catches your visitors’ attention, conveys your message, and leads them to complete an action. 

On the other hand, a low conversion rate is a sign that the website isn’t well optimized to connect with customers/clients or result in them taking your desired action. If a website isn’t getting users to convert, then it’s not helping the business connect with potential sales leads.

What Is Conversion Rate Optimization?

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) in a website is the process of tailoring a website so that it appeals to users and makes them take a specific action. 

This desired action could include:

  • Filling out a form

  • Signing up for an email list

  • Requesting a free demo

  • Making a phone call

Anything that helps funnel website users into your sales cycle is considered a conversion—and that’s what you’re trying to optimize your website for. The more people who fill out your forms, give you a call, sign up for your weekly emails, etc., the more opportunities you have to make sales.

What Are Good Conversion Rate Optimization Strategies?

Every company should strive to optimize its website through conversion optimization best practices. 

So, what are the best practices for improving your conversion optimization marketing efforts?

Though conversion rate and type will differ between industries, some general ways to increase conversion rates on your website include:

  • Creating attention-grabbing headlines

  • Writing web copy that’s clear and informative

  • Placing CTAs at the top, middle, and bottom of each page

  • Making forms simple and easy to fill out

  • Adding pop-ups or chats to the homepage or service pages

  • Optimizing blog content to drive traffic to service pages

  • A/B testing headlines, CTA (call to action) content or placement, etc.

If you’re not sure where to start when it comes to your website’s conversation rate optimization, you can look into user-testing to help identify conversion optimization opportunities

With user testing, people navigate your site and provide feedback regarding its layout, wording, CTA placement, etc. Then, you can use these insights to target areas that need improvement.

What Web Pages Need Conversion Optimization the Most? 

Regardless of what page of your website someone lands on, you’ll probably want them to take some sort of action. So, almost every page of a website can benefit from conversion optimization best practices. 

 However, if we had to pick a few pages  to prioritize, they would be these three:

  1. Your homepage: This is an important page because it gives your audience a snapshot of who you are and what you do. It’s often one of the first pages they’ll see/visit—it’s your first impression.

  2. Primary service/product pages: These pages are where interested customers/clients will learn more about the details of your services/products and hopefully take a real step toward becoming a new customer/client.

  3. Blogs: For companies who invest heavily in blogging for their SEO, blogs will generate a large chunk of their organic traffic. Optimizing your blogs for conversions will help turn this organic traffic into new leads.

Any other web pages you have can also be optimized for conversions. But you may want to start with these three we listed above and go from there.

Connect With Conversion Optimization Marketing Experts Today

Website conversion optimization is essential for turning organic traffic into sales leads. If your web pages aren’t optimized for conversions, you’re missing opportunities to connect with clients/customers.

For those interested in optimizing their website, some conversion optimization best practices include:

  • Creating attention-grabbing headlines

  • Making sure blog posts drive traffic to your service pages

  • Placing CTAs strategically throughout each page

  • Running A/B tests on CTAs, web copy and headlines, etc.

By implementing these conversion rate optimization strategies on your home page, services/products page, and blogs, your website will provide greater value to your company.

At Veivos, we take a holistic approach to digital marketing and search engine optimization (SEO). Instead of simply focusing on one aspect of your website, we implement a process that ensures your:

  • Website is running smoothly and free from errors

  • Webpage header tags and title tags are relevant and SEO-friendly

  • Blogs receive keywords strategies that allow them to rank on Google’s first page

When all these pieces come together, your organic traffic is guaranteed to lead to an increased number of conversions.

Schedule a 20-minute call with us today to learn more about how you can help improve your online marketing efforts.


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